Thursday, March 5, 2015

Marriage Records for Charles Newton and Hazel (Allen) Cone and Frederick Naaman and Helen (Newton) Cone - Woman's History Month Post #4

Still following Liza Alzo's "Fearless Females Blogging Prompts" alternating between my "Cone Chronicles" and "Letters to My Grandparents" blogs. The 4th prompt asks us to post marriage records for our grandparents and great grandparents.

Above: Cover for Marriage Certificate
Chas N. Cone to Hazel Allen
August 31, 1926
Images were obtained from Shelby County Register of Deeds
My grandparents, Charles Newton Cone and Hazel Bynon Allen, were married Saturday, 4 September 1926 at St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Memphis. They applied for the marriage license the Tuesday before. Their ages are listed as 27. That was true for Charles but Hazel had turned 30 February 5th. She was always sensitive about being older that Charles so we do not know who provided the incorrect age.

Image of St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Memphis Tennessee
Great grandparents, Frederick Naaman Cone and Helen Brown Newton, were married on Wednesday, 29 May 1889 at the Congregational Church in Worthington, Minnesota by her family minister Franklin L. Fisk. Her grandfather, John Champion Clarke, was one of the founding members of the church. Fred was 30 and Helen was only 18.

Original Marriage Certificate is in collection of great granddaughter Cecily Cone Kelly
Photograph of Tenth Street, Worthington with Congregational Church in the background
taken by Edward F. Buchan (1845-1941) about 1890
from Minnesota Digital Library's Minnesota Reflections Collection
Tomorrow I'll cover the 5th prompt, the stories of how they met.

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